This work was fun and easy i learnt how far levin was from auckland and I thought that Levin was in auckland but it wasn´t.
New Zealander
This work we had to write why we love being a new zealander and there was heaps of things but I could’nt write them all so I did the most famouse one and this work was reallyu fun.
My Speech
The Dangers of Climate Change
This my speech it is about the dangers of climate change and this was kind of easy and hard at the same time but I enjoyed doing research about this topic.
The great debate
This is my debate that I had to do with 2 other people and it whent well we ahd to present it on thursday and this was very fun because me and my group worked on it and put all our effort on it and thursday was the day we had presented it and it all went well.
This is one of the maths works that I did, this was very easy because there were only 8 questions. This was very fun becasue the questions were interesting and fun and I am proud at myself for completing my maths.
Being Kind
These are all the things I did on interland It was really fun and here are some screenshots of what I did in the game. A tip for this game is just to be kind and try to trap all the trouble makers and report them.
Here is my certificate that i got from being kind.
Crab dance
I was very hard but I finished it.
Briahna – Google Drawing
I Drawed myself on Google drawings, It was easy because Mr Langi explained to us how to do it properley and I understanded how to do it, I enjoyed drawing it.
Cybersmart Tips
We are learning about differnt shortcuts
Ko wai au / Who am I
This is all about me